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11) Fanjul Hevia, A., Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos, Van Keilegom, I., González-Manteiga, W. (To appear). "A test for comparison conditional ROC curves with multidimensional covariates". Journal of Applied Statistics Google Scholar

12) Almomani, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P., Barreiro, P., Durán, R., Crujeiras, R.M., Loureiro, M., Sánchez-Vila, E, (To appear). "Application of choice models in Tourism Recommender Systems". Expert Systems Google Scholar

13) Martín Devasa, R. M., Martínez Santalla, S., Gómez-Rodríguez, Carola, Crujeiras, R.M., Baselga, Andrés (To appear). Comparing distance-decay parameters: a novel test under pairwise dependence Ecological Informatics Google Scholar

14) Meilán-Vila, A., Crujeiras, R.M., Francisco-Fernández, M. (To appear). Nonparametric estimation for a functional-circular regression model Statistical Papers Google Scholar

15) Wu, Z., Euán, C., Crujeiras, R.M., Sun, Y. (To appear). Estimation and clustering of directional wave spectra Journal of Agricultural and Biological Statistics Google Scholar

16) Armijos Toro, L.M., Alonso-Meijide, J. M., Mosquera, M. A. (To appear). Mergeable weighted majority games and characterizations of some power indices Annals of Operations Research. Springer. ISSN: 0254-5330 Google Scholar

17) Febrero-Bande, M., Galeano, P., García-Portugués, Eduardo, González-Manteiga, W. (To appear). Testing for linearity in scalar-on-function regression with responses missing at random Computational Statistics Google Scholar

18) Aboal-Somoza, M., Crujeiras, R.M. (To appear). Misuse of Linear Regression Technique in Analytical Chemistry? The Journal of Chemical Education Google Scholar

19) Gil González-Rodríguez, Colubi, A., González-Manteiga, W., Febrero-Bande, M. (To appear). A consistent test of equality of distributions for Hilbert-valued random elements Journal of Multivariate Analysis Google Scholar

20) García Varela, S., Ramos, J.C., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Castelo-Baz, P., Méndez Díaz, R., Anache D`Abate, M.A., Gancedo-Gancedo, T., Ruíz-Piñón, M., Mareque-Bueno, S., Martín Biedma, M. (To appear). "Effect of dentin irrigants on push-out bond strength in resin cementation protocols for fiber post in endodontically treated teeth: an in vitro study". Materials Google Scholar